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Ephesians 5:25

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For some people, particularly singles, marriage can appear to be a walk in the park. However, looking at it from the outside versus living a married life are two different worlds. There are several adjustments to be made, as well as numerous disagreements to be settled. Thankfully, the Bible has a streamlined instruction on how to make marriages work and how to use it to glorify God. Ephesians 5:25 contains one of the most essential points to remember, Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. 

God expects men to lead their households as husbands. To be the pillar of every house, attached to the cornerstone, and to love the wife as Christ loves the church. The husband’s authority consists of leading rather than dominating, commanding with gentleness rather than condescension, and remaining strong yet fair. 

But how can we compare to Christ’s love for the church? Is such a thing even possible? No, we will never be able to match Christ’s love, but we can emulate it through our wives. 

Christ died and became the sacrificial lamb to redeem His church. However, Jesus did more than that. In John 1:14, we learn that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus lived as a man and had fellowship with his church. 

Like Christ, you may be willing to give your life to save your wife, but would you be willing to live for your wife? Every day, living for your wife means dying to yourself. To learn to let go of your ego and to lay down your pride. Often prioritizing your partner over winning an argument and allowing forgiveness to heal differences. Loving your wife as Christ loves His church often entails acknowledging her flaws but also being able to choose her over and over. Accepting her faults and inevitable errors and always looking at her with eyes of love despite disagreements.

To love your wife as Christ loved the church is the ultimate commandment for husbands. 

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Secrets of a Happy Marriage says exactly what the title means: a marriage that is happy, and a marriage made in heaven. With divorce so rampant today, it is rare to find happily married couples with 50 years of love. The book begins with the six Greek words that define love. It moves to Joye's story in Jamaica, then Joe's story in beautiful Jamaica, then their marriage story in New York. Stories of the children at Harvard and Cornell Universities are also included.

About The Author

Born in the beautiful island of Jamaica, West Indies, Dr. Wint graduated from the Kingston Technical High School, before attending The Kings College in New York where he studied to become an English teacher.